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Overall project management towards objectives; Ensure compliance of all activities with Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement; Handling of all administrative, financial, and legal aspects; Enforcement of the Quality assurance plan; Communication with the EC and within partners.

Establish new communities of stakeholders & enhance existing ones. Understand the potential EO services

for Climate adaptation in coastal areas to be used by municipalities, regions, or communities of interest-business sectors. Organize & promote EO service requirements for the regions & develop a community approach. Quantifying societal impacts & response to weather risks P Citizen’s engagement & co-creation of awareness via ephemeral social networks.

Data harmonization that serves the OCEANIDS Data Cubes (ODC) as a paradigm aiming to realize the full potential of EO and non-EO auxiliary geolocated data use. Climatic models, forecasting & CC impact, & Meteorological models curation & quantitative environmental impact assessment in coastal regions P New Earth observation (EO) data services requirements & specifications by making a survey of state-of-the-art services. Definition of EO data services that address stakeholders’ actual needs requires the development of the right services and data process and call for an integrated engineering lifecycle.  Development of better services – Data validation for C3S Climate Data Store integration.

CC risk & hazard risk assessment platform & with Integrated EO and spatial data platform as part of the Multi-level governance platform for Coastal regions. Decision Support System for better integrating Urban & Maritime Spatial Planning with Climate Adaptation Planning in order to facilitate the Decision Makers.

Execution of necessary preparatory actions to identify stakeholders’ needs and interests before the demonstration activities. Implementation of Pilot activities, workshops, and events in all case studies. Decision Support Platform Assessment. Performance validation of pilot demonstrations with regards to the user requirement.

To produce and update the dissemination and exploitation plan. To produce a business model, a business plan, and a marketing plan. To communicate widely and through multiple channels the progress, achievements, and results.


Abstract EGU24-2538

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